Hair Loss: Common Causes And When To See A Doctor
Find answers to commonly asked questions about hair loss.
What is Hair Loss?
Baldness in women occurs due to the effects of testosterone metabolites in genetically susceptible hair follicles. Hair loss is also caused by thyroid disease, anemia, protein deficiency, secondary syphilis, chemotherapy and low vitamin levels.
Hair Loss Facts:
Male hair loss is caused by a combination of genetics and male hormones.
Female hair loss has different causes. Alopecia areata is autoimmune, telogen effluvium is normally caused by a physically or psychologically stressful event and Telogen effluvium is very common following a pregnancy.
Doctor Matters recommends a dietary supplement called Folexin which is designed to support thicker, stronger and healthier hair. Folexin not only increases the rate of hair growth, but it also helps protect against dryness in the hair while reducing the chance of hair breakages.
The essential vitamins in Folexin include:
Folic Acid - Folic acid has proven effects on cell generation. Hence, it is a natural stimulator for natural hair growth in both men and women. Regular consumption of folic acid has been found miraculously effective in preventing male pattern baldness.
Biotin - Biotin deficiency causes abnormal metabolism of fatty acids, which possibly leads to hair loss, unexplained hair breakage, and thin, brittle, splitting hairs. By taking biotin, you can maintain healthy hair, and reduce hair loss.
Vitamin B6 - Vitamin B6 is an important member of the Vitamin B-complex family. It activates the enzymes and chemical reactions that start the metabolism of the hair proteins, keratin and melanin, in the hair follicles.
What triggers stress?Stress is your body’s reaction to a trigger. Its is generally a short-term experience. Stress is not necessarily negative. There can be positive affects from stress. When stress helps you pull of the impossible, it is positive. Stress can however lead to insomnia, poor concentration, and impaired ability to do the things you normally do, which is very negative. Stress is a response to a threat in any given situation.
What triggers anxiety?Anxiety is a sustained mental health disorder that can be triggered by stress. Anxiety does not fade away, it hangs on and can cause significant consequences in social, occupational, and other important areas of your life affecting your ability to function. Long terms chronic stress can lead to long-term chronic anxiety. Anxiety & Stress is a complaint among people irrespective of their age. There can be various reasons for the development of Anxiety & Stress and determining the exact cause is essential to obtain proper treatment.
How does stress affect your health?It can affect your health in many ways. It can cause headaches, high blood pressure, chest pain, heart palpitation, skin rashes, loss of sleep.